West Germany - National Lower House Elections (1949)

Party Votes Vote Percentage Seats
P95-South Schleswig Electoral League 75388 0.32% 0
P94-Social Democratic Party of Germany 6934975 29.22% 96
P91-Rhine Westphalen People's Party 21931 0.09% 0
P90-Radical Socialist Freedom Party 216749 0.91% 0
P84-Independent 1141647 4.81% 3
P70-Communist Party of Germany 1361706 5.74% 0
P54-Free Democratic Party 2829920 11.92% 12
P50-European People's Movement in Germany 26162 0.11% 0
P36-German Party 939934 3.96% 5
P33-German Conservative Party/German Reich Party 429031 1.81% 0
P23-Christian Social Union 1380448 5.82% 24
P20-Christian Democratic Union of Germany 5978636 25.19% 91
P13-Bavarian Party 986478 4.16% 11
P110-German Center Party 727505 3.07% 0
P107-Economic Reconstruction Party 681888 2.87% 0
TOTAL 23732398   242

See the Global Elections Database codebook for further information about the election results.

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